Lessons from the Bible: A Life Transformed by Faith and Wisdom

The Bible, a compilation of ancient texts revered by millions, serves as a guiding light for many individuals seeking moral guidance, spiritual solace, and a deeper understanding of life's complexities. In this write-up, I would like to share with you some of the incalculable lessons I have learned and still learn from the Bible, how … Continue reading Lessons from the Bible: A Life Transformed by Faith and Wisdom

The lost child found her way home…🦋

There once was a child who needed to belong to somebody. That somebody didn’t want the burden of her care. There once was a child who was looking for a guiding hand. That hand was outstretched to her, but not with kind intention. There once was a child who was desperate to be wholly loved. … Continue reading The lost child found her way home…🦋

God, I’m Trusting You To Fight My Battles When I Can’t…💕

Taken on my birthday (12:02:23) where I am silently hoping for all the blessings in the coming year. Some days I’m strong and capable of fighting my own battles. The battles in my head. The battles in my heart. The small battles I fight every day between the moment I wake up till the moment … Continue reading God, I’m Trusting You To Fight My Battles When I Can’t…💕